A review of Mind Breach by Anthony Vicino

Tommy Muncie reviews Mind Breach

Tommy Muncie, Writer

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*I received an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

Mind Breach is the book I never thought I would get my hands on. At least for a while. Its author, in a move worthy of some of his characters, disappeared out of the digital world for the best part of a year, not long after a conversation where he told me he had a 120,000 word draft of the book almost ready to go. He resurfaced with the story of how the book nearly broke him a couple of months ago. I’ll open the review on a good note: it was truly worth the wait.

Let’s get one bugbear out of the way: it’s been so long since I read the first book that this one could really have done with…

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